
ºÃÉ«App High SchoolºÃÉ«App High School

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

The opportunity to participate in vocational learning has been part of the secondary education system for more than 20 years.

Young people can access VET at school through a range of mechanisms, including:

  • as a ‘taster’ to introduce students to VET
  • delivered as fee for service
  • through the Training Guarantee for SACE Students (TGSS)
  • as part of a training contract arrangement (apprenticeship or traineeship)
  • through teacher delivered VET under a third party agreement (under auspice) with a registered training organisation (RTO).

Completion of VET at school develops competencies that position young people well to participate in the workforce and commence a lucrative and worthwhile career whilst still in school. Most VET completed at school is eligible for credits towards SACE.